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Veterans Day 2017 at Oran High School

2017 Oran High School

2017 Oran High School

2017 Veterans at Oran

2017 Veterans at Oran

1941 Jeep beside Browning 1919

1941 Jeep beside Browning 1919

Weapons of WWII

Weapons of WWII

Model 12 Winchester Trench Shotgun with Bayonet, M1 Garand .30-06 Rifle, 1903 Springfield Sniper .30-06, Thompson Auto-Ordnance 1928 Machinegun, General George Patton bust statue.

Vintage Browning 1919 Machinegun

Vintage Browning 1919 Machinegun

Original Browning set up in firing postion with sandbags and original WWII newspaper headlines.

Test Pilot Autographs

Test Pilot Autographs

Display includes Scott Crossfield and Chuck Yeager Autographs as well as other pilots.

Vietcong  and Soviet Memorabilia

Vietcong and Soviet Memorabilia

Display includes Original Art work Batik, Case of original captured VC photos, ID cards, flag, patches, bayonet, medals and lighter. Original Soviet medals.

Medal Of Honor Winners

Medal Of Honor Winners

This display salutes the valor of the MOH winners including original autographs and photos of each soldier.

Vietnam Memorial

Vietnam Memorial

Original memorabilia from casualties including the complete list of names of lives lost.

MOH Audey Murphy

MOH Audey Murphy

Display featuring Audey Murphy Medal of Honor winner and most decorated U.S. soldier of WWII, with description of achievements and original sculpture; "One Man Stand."

1941 Slat Grill Willys Jeep

1941 Slat Grill Willys Jeep

Original running 1941 Willys Slat Grill Jeep with all accessories including a Browning M2 mounted Machinegun.

Vietnam Special Forces Display

Vietnam Special Forces Display

Case includes Mac V Sog, Uniform with patches, medals, weapons, Green Beret hat and signed photo of top sniper in Vietnam.

Vietnam Soldier Roy Meystedt

Vietnam Soldier Roy Meystedt

Original memorabilia from the Roy Meystedt Family including all of Roy's photos, uniform, medals, medical equipment and list of casualties he worked on.

General Douglas MacArthur Dispaly

General Douglas MacArthur Dispaly

Original Douglas MacArthur photos from Japanese surrender, original newspaper headlines and original "MacArthur" batik.

Korean War Vet Max Pind

Korean War Vet Max Pind

Display includes original photo album, complete dress jacket, MacArthur photo, captured North Korean flag and barbed wire from the DMZ.

The Doolittle Raid

The Doolittle Raid

Case contains signature of Jimmy Doolittle, photos, gauges, patches and autographs.

B29 Bomber "Enola Gay"

B29 Bomber "Enola Gay"

Interesting visual for the WWII atomic bombing of Japan. Includes headlines and descriptions on Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings.

Enola Gay and Bockscar

Enola Gay and Bockscar

Display includes case of unique and rare signatures and memorabilia from both B29 planes that dropped atomic bombs in WWII. Replica of "Little Boy" in scale.

PT 109 Patrol Boat

PT 109 Patrol Boat

Scale Model of Kennedy's WWII Pt-109 patrol boat, original Sailor sculpture and Naval Officer Uniform.

WWII Nazi Germany

WWII Nazi Germany

Captured Nazi flag with U.S. soldiers signatures, Original German bayonets, medals, flag, buckles, photos and album, helments, SS uniform and replica machineguns, Hitler brick from his home.

WWI Alvin York Display

WWI Alvin York Display

Featuring MOH Alvin York with description, photos, uniform, Winchester 1897 Trench Shotgun with bayonet, Colt Model 1911, Colt 1917 .45 revolver and original 48 star flag.

The Flying Tigers

The Flying Tigers

The epic Tigers' story told here featuring signed AVG pilots with photos, patches, medals, gear, instruments. Complete with original flight uniform and Mae West life vest.

Original WWII Crossroads Atomic Test

Original WWII Crossroads Atomic Test

Unique and extremely rare photos and memorabilia of Naval Officer Walter Gerringer aboard USS Mount McKinley during Crossroads Atomic testing at Bikini Atoll with ID card.

WWII Old Glory 48 Star Flag

WWII Old Glory 48 Star Flag

Rare Artifact done on original tattered WWII battle flag with every major U.S. battle in the Pacific and European theaters.



Authentic and rare artifacts donated by the Oscar Poston Family. Includes original photos, USS Starr Attack Cargo memorabilia, uniform, original Japanese suicide boat engine part.

The Battle of Iwo Jima

The Battle of Iwo Jima

Display includes photos, newspaper accounts, battle fatigues, Inland M1 Carbine Rifle.

WWII Japanese Military

WWII Japanese Military

Includes original Japanese pilot flight suit, Officer's Gunto Sword, photos, newspaper headlines, silk battle flags, captured signed going to war flags, Type 38 and 99 rifle with bayonets and original notifications of deceased Japanese soldiers to their families on rice paper.

Desert Storm & Middle East Conflict

Desert Storm & Middle East Conflict

Includes many captured items, bayonets, berets, magazines, Iraqi money, Suddam's capture, Suddam Palace Painting, AR15 Sniper Rifle and Iraqi IDs.

The Vietnam War

The Vietnam War

Includes battle fatigues, artwork, flak vest, tiger stripe camo, Tiger Force photos, M16 Colt Rifle, Springfield M1A, patches and many original snapshots from soldiers incountry, including many Vietcong photos.

NVA and Vietcong Dispaly

NVA and Vietcong Dispaly

Items included are both male and female black Vietcong pajamas, RPG rocket, AK47 assult rifle, NVA helmet, M60 machinegun, many VC photos included.

Chris Kyle, ISIS, Barrett .50

Chris Kyle, ISIS, Barrett .50

Remembering Chris Kyle, includes Barrett .50 sniper rifle, ISIS case with original uniform, photos and knife and flag all from Iraq.

© 2016 by Military Veterans Memorial

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